Sunday, December 16, 2012

Where have I been..and what happened to all the pics?

You may have noticed I've been completely MIA for a few months. So what happened?

Well, I got a new tablet (Samsung Note. it's awesome) but Google+ (which is not awesome) downloaded all my photos from Blogger onto the tablet. Needless to say, that ate up every bit of memory on my brand new tablet! To free up some space, I deleted the photos....
Cue depressing music..

They also got deleted from my Blogger account. I was so sad and upset that I couldn't even bear to look at my blog anymore. Almost a year of posts and all the pics were gone gone gone. It's taken some time to get over it. I even thought I'd give up blogging for good.

But I miss it! I enjoyed posting!

So I have decided to start a new blog. Fresh and new! This one just makes me sad with all the little blank boxes where pictures of mani's used to be.

My new blog address is
I hope this new name and address will suit me and my blog style a little better than this one did. I hope to see you over there!