Here's a picture of everything that came in my box for this month.
Here's a close-up of the sunscreen. The nail polish is there for reference purposes so you can see the size. It did NOT come in the box. :)
Here's a picture of the StriVectin stretch mark remover.
Here's the LaRocca exfoliater. If you read earlier posts, you know that I did not like the LaRocca pumpkin body scrub. I decided to try the brand again this month so I could know for sure if it's the brand I don't like or if it was just that one product.
This is the Indie Lee Shampoo. It smells great! The smell is just fresh and clean. I think this is the product I'm most excited about this month.
Next, we have the Blingtone Eyeshadow in purple haze. It's really pretty! I was very happy with the brown Blingtone eyeshadow I picked last month. It does have a lot of glitter in it, though, so it's not something I'd recommend wearing to an office-style workplace. But this guy is really fun for the weekends!
Here is the face lotion. It smells rather nice and seems to have a nice consistency. I won't really know if it works for me until I put it on my very dry face. :)
If you haven't tried Beauty Army yet, I would highly suggest it! Their customer service is great (it seems like they have a full-time person JUST to response to Facebook questions!) and it's great they let you pick your samples for the month. You pick six samples from 9 choices. They haven't had any shipping issues so far, which is amazing considering they only started up the program last month. It seems like it's been the smoothest launch out of all the beauty subscription services!!!
Thanks for reading! Have a great day!
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